Saturday, May 23, 2009


“When a man as popular and as deeply-loved as Fernando Poe Jr. dies, we can be sure that many will try to claim him as one of their own. But FPJ always knew where he belonged--- with the masa. Da King is not dead; he lives in their consciousness.

He was their hero, their benefactor, their protector and friend. He gave them hope for a better life, but above all, he showed them what a Filipino in these times could be. Loyal, kind, brave and strong.”
–Randy David
For full text, click image below

PDI/ December 19, 2004


  1. Totoong-totoo talaga lahat ng sinabi ni Mr. Randy David sa article nyang ito about FPJ, about the relationship of Filipino masses with FPJ and vice-versa. This article is one of my most favorite one. Long live FPJ! thanks.

  2. Mr. Randy David has great insight and I totally agree. FPJ's death has kept his name and image intact and unsullied by the politics in our country, which is a big blessing.
