Sunday, December 16, 2007


The Death of the King, FPJ, is a shock and a terrible nightmare for most Filipinos who idolizes and loves him. His sudden demise is such a very hot item among our major newspaper dailies and tabloids and for 12 days, from December 12, 2004, when he was rushed to St. Luke’s Hospital and declared comatose, December 14, when he was declared dead and on December 23, when he was buried, FPJ was a headline item. One news article puts it “The Biggest FPJ Blockbuster.” Let’s recall the events thru this series of headline news direct from the front pages of major newspaper dailies and tabloids.

He was the best President we would have had. He was The Man with a Golden Heart who truly and sincerely felt for the poor, showing his concern not with words (or "photo-ops") but with deeds. A man of action, a man of few words. The hundreds of people he had helped without the glare of publicity came forward to sing praises to him, their benefactor, gone so soon.

The superlatives started pouring in when FPJ died at 65. Even those who "maligned" Da King during the election campaign, tearing him to pieces, conceded he was a good man. Questions will forever remain unanswered: Did Da King silently carry deep in his heart the pain unjustly inflicted on him by his foray into the political arena? Did he die, like the king in The King and I, of a "broken heart"? And what broke his heart?

"FPJ didn't die," said a diehard fan. "He will live forever in our hearts."

Da King is dead! Long Live Da King!

Thousands upon thousands, consisting of the poorest and the richest of the land, queued up to get a glimpse of him at the ICU of the St. Luke's Medical Center where he lay in coma from late night of December 11, 2004 when he suffered a massive stoke until early morning of December 14 when he died, and at the Sto. Domingo Church where his wake was held, and an estimated million-plus joined the funeral procession and lined up along the streets on December 22 when he was buried at the North Cemetery.

He was The Idol, The Icon, The Role Model, The True Friend, The Good Neighbor, The Good Brother, The Good Father, The Good Husband. He was all that--- and more! He was The Man!

FPJ was The Man of the Year!

Excerpt from the article:
FPJ: Man of the Year
by Ricky Lo

1 comment:

  1. the ace and the king were dead.

    ace vergel and fernando poe jr. died with almost similar date and month.
