"Duke de Borgoña" (1959)
Premiere Productions, Inc.
Release Date March 16- 25, 1959/ Dalisay
Screenplay Jose F. Sibal
Music Tito Arevalo
Story and Direction Nemesio E. Caravana
Cast Fernando Poe, Jr., Rosemarie Gil, Merle Tuazon, Elvira Reyes, Nello Nayo, Joe Sison, Celia Rodriguez, Abraham Cruz, Renato Robles, Max Alvarado, Rogelio Moreno, Aida Villegas, Felisa Salcedo, Lilia Duran, Belcy Martinez, Lita Cristobal
Fernando Poe, Jr. and Merle Tuazon with Jess Lapid, Sr. at the back
Disturbed by a four-leaf clover birthmark on one of the twins born to them, King Ricardo and Queen Isabel of Borgoña consult a seer who interprets the mark as a sign that the boy would someday murder his father. The royal couple therefore decides to have the baby slain. But the one assigned to the gruesome task, Minister Alberto, takes pity and leaves the baby in the woods instead, there to be later found by a bandit chieftain, Jose. To continue reading, click image below

Fernando Poe, Jr. wards off opponent in this exciting scene from the movie, "Duke de Borgoña."
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